Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Super Speeder Law in Georgia

As of January 1st of two thousand and ten a new law came into effect to go after the “Super Speeders” of Georgia.  This law was meant to crack down on the speeders throughout Georgia on all roadways and to make the roads safer for all of the citizens using them. These speeders are now given charges that are called fees, from the state, that are additional to the preliminary ticket charge cost if the driver is going over speeds of seventy five on a two lane road or over eighty five on bigger roads such as highways or interstates within Georgia’s borders. Any driver on the road is subject to violating HB160 and can now be classified by the state as a “Super Speeder” if there is a conviction by the courts for speeding within the Super Speeder guidelines. Further implications may be taken if there is a conviction against the driver in question; Georgia has a “point” system in which if the driver obtains fifteen points in a twenty four month consecutive period the driver’s license will be suspended from six to twelve months depending on the type of suspension.   Being deemed a Super Speeder can add up rather quickly and may result in having further charges if fees are not paid in the two month period, up to fifty dollars; therefore, consulting with an attorney is advisable in order to take the points for speeding (which can be up to six points out of the fifteen allotted) away from the driver’s record and alleviate charges from hundreds of dollars that the driver may be currently facing.

You can call for a complimentary consultation during this difficult time in your life. The experienced staff at Justin Wyatt and Associates are here to assist you. Please call us to make an appointment at 770-422-2221.

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